Happy New Year. Hello 2017

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! Well another year has passed. It seems like the time just flys by. My what a year we had. We had highs and we certainly had our lows this year. My husband had a career change which led us to move closer to his job. We had one mini vacation to visit my son and his family at Fort Campbell during Thanksgiving. So all in all 2016 wasn't that bad at all.
     I'm so ready for 2017. This years Resolutions  as always, well you know what everyone's number one is? To loose weight! Yep, that is mine along with thousands of others. To live a better and healthy lifestyle. I'm not getting any younger and it's harder to get that energy to workout.  Our number 2 is to try and travel a little more even if it's to take a drive to the neighboring states. All our kids are grown so we can just pick up and go. Be more spontaneous! Try new things. 
     I've started my own little shop on Etsy. I've been doing crafts for awhile now. Handmade cards, wood signs, wreaths. Family and friends always giving great compliments and telling me I should sell my items. So I did it. My new venture for 2017. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I'm looking forward to see what this new year has in store for me. With that being said have a great 2017!


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